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About New Mexico Education

Welcome to New Mexico Education, your best source for comprehensive education news from the roundhouse to the classroom.

Meet the Reporter

Headshot of Diego Lopez

Diego Lopez is a seasoned journalist who  has contributed to newspapers in both New Mexico and New York. His dedication to journalism has earned him multiple accolades from the New Mexico Newspaper Association, including the New Mexico Sunshine Award.

As a lifelong student of New Mexico’s public education system, Diego has witnessed firsthand the waves of transformation that have swept through the educational landscape. In this ever-evolving sphere, staying informed can be a daunting challenge. That’s why Diego has embarked on a mission to bridge the information gap and provide readers with clear, concise, and accessible stories to keep New Mexicans up-to-date on all things education related.

New Mexico boasts a diverse educational landscape with 89 school districts and 100 charter schools. Moreover, it’s governed by a complex web of educational authorities, including the Public Education Department, Higher Education Department, Early Childhood Education and Care Department, the New Mexico Legislature, the Public Education Commission, and local school boards. 

Navigating this intricate system is no small feat. Diego’s goal is to help readers make sense of the information coming from these systems, and provide useful and comprehensible context. 

New Mexico Education is a project of NewMexicoKidsCAN, a nonprofit organization dedicated to connecting policy, instructional practice, and politics to envision a brighter future for New Mexico’s public education system.

NewMexicoKidsCAN strives to reimagine what is possible, working to ensure that every child in New Mexico has access to high-quality education. Collaborative efforts aim to empower you with the knowledge and insights needed to actively engage in the conversation surrounding education in our state. 

We believe that by fostering transparency, providing reliable information, and facilitating dialogue, we can collectively drive positive change and improve education accessibility for all New Mexicans.

Thank you for joining us on this educational journey. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of New Mexico’s students and shape a brighter future for our state’s education system.

Stay informed, stay inspired, and stay connected with New Mexico Education.